
mrbgem template generater

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


MrbgemTemplate class

CLI tool

# Build mrbgem-template cli
$ git clone https://github.com/matsumoto-r/mruby-mrbgem-template.git
$ cd mruby-mrbgem-template
$ rake

# Generate mrbgem using mrbgem-template
$ ./mruby/bin/mrbgem-template -h # see usage
$ ./mruby/bin/mrbgem-template --github-user myusername --author 'My Name' --mruby-version 3.1.0 --bin-name sample-bin mruby-sample # generate sample mrbgem
$ cd mruby-sample
$ rake # build binary
$ ./mruby/bin/sample-bin # execute built binary

Generate mrbgem using template_config.rb

git clone https://github.com/matsumoto-r/mruby-mrbgem-template.git && cd mruby-mrbgem-template/
  • edit template_config.rb
params = {
  :mrbgem_name    => 'mruby-example',
  :license        => 'MIT',
  :github_user    => 'your-github-username',
  :mrbgem_prefix  => File.expand_path('.'),
  :class_name     => 'Example',
  :author         => 'your-name',

c = MrbgemTemplate.new params
  • run rake
  • created template files
ls -l ./mruby-example

install by mrbgems

  • add conf.gem line to build_config.rb
MRuby::Build.new do |conf|

    # ... (snip) ...

    conf.gem :git => 'https://github.com/matsumoto-r/mruby-mrbgem-template.git'


  • input create.rb
params = {
  :mrbgem_name    => 'mruby-sample',
  :license        => 'MIT',
  :github_user    => 'matsumoto-r',
  :mrbgem_prefix  => '..',
  :class_name     => 'Sample',
  :author         => 'MATSUMOTO Ryosuke',

c = MrbgemTemplate.new params
  • output mrbgem template
$ ./bin/mruby create.rb
Generate all files of mruby-sample
create dir : ../mruby-sample
create dir : ../mruby-sample/src
create file: ../mruby-sample/src/mrb_sample.c
create file: ../mruby-sample/src/mrb_sample.h
create dir : ../mruby-sample/mrblib
create file: ../mruby-sample/mrblib/mrb_sample.rb
create dir : ../mruby-sample/test
create file: ../mruby-sample/test/mrb_sample.rb
create file: ../mruby-sample/mrbgem.rake
create file: ../mruby-sample/mruby-sample.gem
create file: ../mruby-sample/.github/workflows/ci.yml
create file: ../mruby-sample/.github_actions_build_config.rb
create file: ../mruby-sample/README.md
create file: ../mruby-sample/LICENSE

  > create matsumoto-r/mruby-sample repository on github.
  > turn on GitHub Actions on matsumoto-r/mruby-sample repository.
  > edit your mruby-sample code, then run the following command:

  cd ../mruby-sample
  git init
  git add .
  git commit -m "first commit"
  git remote add origin git@github.com:matsumoto-r/mruby-sample.git
  git push -u origin main
  > finally, pull-request mruby-sample.gem to mgem-list https://github.com/bovi/mgem-list

  • all methods
params = {
  :mrbgem_name    => 'mruby-sample',
  :license        => 'MIT',
  :github_user    => 'matsumoto-r',
  :mrbgem_prefix  => '/usr/local/mrbgems',
  :class_name     => 'Sample',
  :author         => 'MATSUMOTO Ryosuke',

c = MrbgemTemplate.new params

# Create all data

# Create root dir

# Create src dir and .c .h

# Create mrblib dir and .rb

# Create mrbgem.rake

# Create gem file

# Create test dir and .rb

# Create .github/workflows/ci.yml and ci.yml config

# Create README.md

# Create LICENS

# Output github information

# Get data
#puts c.mrblib_data
#puts c.src_c_data
#puts c.src_h_data
#puts c.rake_data
#puts c.mgem_data
#puts c.test_data
#puts c.github_actions_data
#puts c.github_actions_build_config_data
#puts c.readme_data
#puts c.license_data

# Set data
#c.mrblib_data = "hogehoge"

# Get init data
#c.mrblib_data = c.mrblib_data_init


under the MIT License:

  • see LICENSE file