Lendsqr UI Build

Demo Endpoints:

Login: matthew-arofin0lendsqr-fe-test.heroku.com/ UserList w/ filters: matthew-arofin0lendsqr-fe-test.heroku.com/userlist UserInfo: matthew-arofin0lendsqr-fe-test.heroku.com/users/:id



  • Login Page
  • Dashboard/Landing
  • Users List w/ Filters
  • User Details

API Endpoints:

  • GET all users: Returns a list of all users
  • GET user by ID: Returns a specific user's details


  1. Recreate the UI mockup that lives here - https://www.figma.com/file/ZKILoCoIoy1IESdBpq3GNC/Frontend
  2. Implement a mobile responsive layout using Typescript and SCSS for styling
  3. Implement functional API calls to get all users and get a specific user's details
  4. Implement wide positive and negative test coverage
  5. Host completed build publicly at https://-lendsqr-fe-test.


  • Be mindful of code architecture, function/variable naming and semantic use of pathing and resource naming
  • Ensure Github repo is publicly accessible and appropriately named
  • Ensure commit messages are clear and concise

Live Demo Notes

  • User authentication/authorisation NOT implemented in demo, submit button console logs username and password.
  • Public routing implemented for the following features:
  1. LOGIN ('/')
  2. DASHBOARD/USER LIST ('/userlist')
  3. USER ('/user/:id')