
An Eleventy extension that adds support for .cook files. Reads the .cook file and adds data to the page. Choice of how to display that data is left up to the user, i.e. create your own layout to display it. Any frontmatter added to the .cook file is before we parse the recipe but will be still be included in the page's data.


# Add to your project
npm i eleventy-plugin-cooklang
// Inside your .eleventy.js
const eleventyPluginCookLang = require('eleventy-plugin-cooklang');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {


The plugin adds the following to the page's data:

  recipe, // The raw output of the cooklang parser
    steps, // An array of the recipe's steps
    ingredients, // An array of the recipe's ingredients
    cookware, // An array of the recipe's cookware
    recipeTags; // An array of any tags added as Cooklang metadata to the recipe, i.e. >> tags: bread, baking

The content of the page is the raw content of the .cook file, if you set the excludeContent option this will be an empty string.


To configure just pass in an object with the desired options configured.

// Inside your .eleventy.js
const eleventyPluginCookLang = require('eleventy-plugin-cooklang');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(eleventyPluginCookLang, {
    outputHtml: true / false, // default false
    excludeContent: true / false, // default false
    limitIngredientDecimals: Integer, // default null


Default: false

Takes a boolean and changes whether the insructions are output as plain text or as <span> tags with a class of recipe--${type} where type can be ingredient, cookware, timer, or text.

Useful for if you want to style the instructions.


Default: false

Takes a boolean and changes whether the page has content or not, can be useful for your display logic.


Default: Does not trim/round decimals

Takes an integer and rounds and decimals found in ingredients to that many decimal places.


Powered by cooklang/ts-parser under the hood.


MIT License