
📂 dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Environment and Dotfiles


  1. Clone public dotfiles repo
  2. Install GPG and fetch keys
  1. Run bootstrap script (env agnostic)
  2. Run install script (env agnostic)
  3. [optional] install brew, if absolutely needed
  4. Probably a bunch of other steps, it never works quite right

Useful commands;

  • home-manager switch
  • brew bundle cleanup && brew bundle check || brew bundle install

Setup pass in a new environment

  1. Make sure GPG is set up + key is fetched
  2. gopass clone

GPG Maintenance

Creating a new key


gpg --full-generate-key
Type: RSA and RSA (default)
Length: 4096
Valid for: 3y


  1. Extend master expiry?
  2. Recreate subkeys
  3. add to card
gpg --expert --edit-key security@mattforster.ca
key 0
key 0
key 1
key 1
# repeat for other keys