Build Dojo inside a Grunt task
grunt-dojo >=0.2.0
works with Grunt ~0.4.0
For Grunt ~0.3.0
: use grunt-dojo@0.1.3
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-dojo
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
dojo: {
dist: {
options: {
dojo: 'path/to/dojo.js', // Path to dojo.js file in dojo source
load: 'build', // Optional: Utility to bootstrap (Default: 'build')
profile: 'app.profile.js', // Profile for build
profiles: [], // Optional: Array of Profiles for build
appConfigFile: '', // Optional: Config file for dojox/app
package: '', // Optional: Location to search package.json (Default: nothing)
packages: [], // Optional: Array of locations of package.json (Default: nothing)
require: '', // Optional: Module to require for the build (Default: nothing)
requires: [], // Optional: Array of modules to require for the build (Default: nothing)
action: '', // Optional: Build action, release, help. clean has been deprecated.
cwd: './', // Directory to execute build within
dojoConfig: '', // Optional: Location of dojoConfig (Default: null),
// Optional: Base Path to pass at the command line
// Takes precedence over other basePaths
// Default: null
basePath: ''
options: {
// You can also specify options to be used in all your tasks
dojo: 'path/to/dojo.js', // Path to dojo.js file in dojo source
load: 'build', // Optional: Utility to bootstrap (Default: 'build')
profile: 'app.profile.js', // Profile for build
profiles: [], // Optional: Array of Profiles for build
appConfigFile: '', // Optional: Config file for dojox/app
package: '', // Optional: Location to search package.json (Default: nothing)
packages: [], // Optional: Array of locations of package.json (Default: nothing)
require: '', // Optional: Module to require for the build (Default: nothing)
requires: [], // Optional: Array of modules to require for the build (Default: nothing)
action: '', // Optional: Build action, release, help. clean has been deprecated.
cwd: './', // Directory to execute build within
dojoConfig: '', // Optional: Location of dojoConfig (Default: null),
// Optional: Base Path to pass at the command line
// Takes precedence over other basePaths
// Default: null
basePath: ''
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2013 Blaine Bublitz Licensed under the MIT license.