- 0x106
- adrianoplsUENF/LENEP
- bfshiUniversity of California, Berkeley
- danieljsharpeUniversity of Cambridge
- dkitchUCSB
- douzihuangle
- duvenaudUniversity of Toronto
- FedericoVGoogle X
- gshartnettQ-CTRL
- htwei17Harmonic Trap, Quantum
- hvasbathSkyGeo
- Japhiolite
- justanothercoder
- jysonganan
- kristpapadopoulosToronto
- larsgebMondaic AG
- martiningramKONUX
- mdevl
- NguyenNhan1610
- nimanzikData Scientist @ BDiM GmbH
- olivierverdierMathematician
- rahulrahaman
- rtqichenFAIR Labs, Meta AI
- saforem2@argonne-lcf
- sedelmeyerCambridge, MA
- tbs1980London, United Kingdon
- techperfect
- thusiyuan
- ttaa9Samsung AI Center - Toronto / York University
- tttciao
- willemvandenboom
- WuShichaoMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- Xeaver
- xiayzh
- yhaddadNortheastern University
- yuanzhaozTikTok ML Engineer