
Asynchronous network probes for Python

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Asynchronous network probes for Python

mtrpacket is a Python 3 package for sending IPv4 and IPv6 network probes ('pings') asynchronously from Python programs. Python's asyncio library provides the event loop and mechanism for incorporating mtrpacket's network probes with other concurrent operations.

mtrpacket supports a variety of probe customization options. Time-to-live (TTL) may be explicitly used for traceroute-like functionality. Probes can be sent using a variety of protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP and SCTP. UDP, TCP and SCTP probes may be sent with specific source and destination ports. Probes can be sent with a particular packet size and payload bit-pattern. On Linux, probes can be sent with a routing "mark".

mtrpacket works on Linux, MacOS, Windows (under Cygwin) and various Unix systems. Requirements are Python 3.5 (or newer) and mtr 0.88 (or newer). mtr is distributed with many Linux distributions -- you may have it installed already. For other operating systems, see the mtr Github repository.


To install mtrpacket, use the Python 3 version of pip:

pip3 install mtrpacket

Getting started

The easiest way to get started with mtrpacket is to use async with to open an mtrpacket session, and then call probe on that session. This must be done in an asyncio coroutine. asyncio manages the event loop.

import asyncio
import mtrpacket

#  A simple coroutine which will start an mtrpacket session and
#  ping localhost
async def probe():
    async with mtrpacket.MtrPacket() as mtr:
        return await mtr.probe('localhost')

#  Use asyncio's event loop to start the coroutine and wait for the probe
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(probe())

#  Print the probe result

Keyword arguments may be used with mtr.probe to further customize the network probe.

#  Send a probe to the HTTPS port of example.com and limit the probe
#  to four network hops
result = await mtr.probe(

Further Examples

Further examples of usage are available in the mtrpacket GitHub repository

Compatibility Notes

mtr version 0.93 has a known issue where a probe cannot be created without specifying a local IP address. This will result in 'invalid-argument' results from sent probes. You can work around this issue by specifying a local ip address when sending a probe:

import socket

local_addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
result = await mtr.probe('example.com', local_ip=local_addr)

API Reference


class MtrPacket()

MtrPacket is a channel for communicating with a subprocess running the mtr-packet executable. Multiple simultaneous probe requests can be made through a single MtrPacket instance, with results processed asynchronously, as they arrive.

The mtr-packet executable is distributed with versions of mtr since version 0.88.

coroutine MtrPacket.open()

open start a subprocess for sending and receiving network probes. The'mtr-packet executable found at a location in the environment PATH is used by default, however, the environment variable MTR_PACKET can be used to override this behavior, invoking an alternate subprocess executable.

Rather than calling open explicitly, the usual alternative is to use an MtrPacket instance in an async with block. This will launch the subprocess for the duration of the block, and terminate the subprocess when the block is exited.

open returns the MtrPacket object on which open has been invoked. This can be safely ignored.

ProcessError is raised if the subprocess fails to execute, or if the subprocess executable doesn't support the expected interface.

StateError is raised if the MtrPacket object is already open.

coroutine MtrPacket.close()

If open was explicitly called to start the subprocess, then close should be called to terminate the subprocess and clean up its resources.

coroutine MtrPacket.check_support(feature_name)

check_support can be used to check support for particular features in the mtr-packet subprocess. A string is provided with the name of a feature to check, and True is returned if the feature is supported, False otherwise.

The strings 'udp', 'tcp' and 'sctp' can be used as feature names to check support for UDP probes, TCP probes, and SCTP probes, respectively.

See check-support in the mtr-packet(8) man page for more information.

ProcessError is raised if the mtr-packet subprocess has unexpectedly terminated.

StateError is raised if the MtrPacket session hasn't been opened.

coroutine MtrPacket.probe(hostname, ...)

Send a network probe to a particular hostname or IP address, and upon completion, return a ProbeResult containing the status of the probe, the address of the host responding to the probe and the round trip time of the probe.

Keyword arguments

A number of optional keyword arguments can be used with MtrPacket.probe:


Either 4 or 6, indicating that the IP protocol version to use should be either IPv4 or IPv6. If unspecified, the appropriate IP protocol version will be determined using the network configuration of the local host and the DNS resolved IP addresses.


An integer (0-255) for the "time to live" of the probe request. This is used to limit the number of network hops the probe traverses before the probe result is returned to the origination point. The default "time to live" for the probe is 255.


A string representing the protocol to use when sending the probe. 'icmp', 'udp', 'tcp' and 'sctp' are recognized options. Protocols other than 'icmp' are not supported on all mtr-packet implementations. If portability between mtr-packet implementations is desired, thencheck_support should be used to determine whether a particular protocol is supported before use. The default protocol is 'icmp'.


An integer to use as the destination port for 'udp', 'tcp' or 'sctp' probes.


An IP address string used to set the source address of the probe to be a particular IP address. This can be useful when sending from a host with multiple local IP addresses. The default local address is determined using the network configuration.


An integer to use to send the probe from a particular local port, when sending 'udp', 'tcp' or 'sctp' probes.


An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait for a response before assuming the probe has been lost. The default value is ten seconds.


An integer specifying the size of the generated probe packet, in bytes. The default value is the minimum size possible for a packet of the particular IP version and protocol in use. The maximum size is the maximum transmission unit ("MTU") of the local network configuration.


An integer byte value used to fill the payload of the probe packet. In some very rare cases, network performance can vary based on the contents of network packets. This option can be used to measure such cases.


An integer value for the "type of service" field for IPv4 packets, or the "traffic class" field of IPv6 packets.


An integer value to use as the packet "mark" for the Linux routing subsystem.


ProcessError is raised if the mtr-packet subprocess has unexpectedly terminated.

HostResolveError is raised if the hostname can't be resolved to an IP address.

StateError is raised if the MtrPacket session hasn't been opened.


For performance reasons, when repeatedly probing a particular host, MtrPacket will only resolve the hostname one time, and will use the same IP address for subsequent probes to the same host.

clear_dns_cache can be used to clear that cache, forcing new resolution of hostnames to IP addresses for future probes. This can be useful for scripts which are intended to run for an extended period of time. (Hours or longer)


namedtuple ProbeResult(success, result, time_ms, responder, mpls)

A call to MtrPacket.probe will result in an instance of the named tuple ProbeResult, which contains the following fields:


A boolean which is True only if the probe arrived at the target host.


The command reply string from mtr-packet. Common values are 'reply' for a probe which arrives at the target host, 'ttl-expired' for a probe which has its "time to live" counter reach zero before arriving at the target host, and 'no-reply' for a probe which is unanswered before its timeout value.

See the mtr-packet(8) man page for error conditions which may result in other command reply strings.


A floating point value indicating the number of milliseconds the probe was in-transit, prior to receiving a result. This value will be None in cases other than 'reply' or 'ttl-expired'.


A string with the IP address of the host responding to the probe. Will be None in cases other than 'reply' or 'ttl-expired'.


A list of Mpls named tuples representing the MPLS label stack present in a 'ttl-expired' response, when Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is used to route the probe.


namedtuple Mpls(label, traffic_class, bottom_of_stack, ttl)

Multiprotocol Label Switching ("MPLS") routes packets using explicit headers attach to the packet, rather than using the IP address for routing. When a probe's time-to-live ("TTL") expires, and MPLS is used at the router where the expiration occurs, the MPLS headers attached to the packet may be returned with the TTL expiration notification.

The Mpls named tuple contains the fields of one of those headers, with:


The MPLS label as an integer.


The integer traffic class value (for quality of service). In prior verisons of MPLS, this field was known as "experimental use".


A boolean indicating whether the label terminates the stack.


An integer with the "time to live" value of the MPLS header


exception StateError

StateError is raised when attempting to send a command to the mtr-packet subprocess without first opening the MtrPacket subprocess, or when attempting to open a subprocess which is already open.

exception HostResolveError

If a hostname is passed to MtrPacket.probe, and that hostname fails to resolve to an IP address, HostResolveError is raised.

exception ProcessError

ProcessError is raised by a call to MtrPacket.probe or MtrPacket.check_support when the mtr-packet subprocess has unexpectly terminated. It is also raised by MtrPacket.open when the subprocess doesn't respond using the expected mtr-packet interface.