
A simple Terraform compatible CLI tool to retrieve a Root CA thumbprint, to use with IAM OIDC Identity Providers, for example.


Simple go build main.go, or go get

Ensure your $PATH is set up to include your $GOPATH/bin directory


➜  ~ thumbprint --help 
Usage of thumbprint:
        reads data from stdin and writes to stdout/stderr conformant to the external program specification.
➜  ~ 

Use as a CLI

➜  ~ thumbprint 

Use in terraform

Pass in the -terraform flag. The tool will now read input from STDIN as per the Terraform spec. The tool expects a json object to STDIN in the form of {"host": " FQDN value "}, which is achieved with a Terraform data external block as below. The result is accessible in the "thumbprint" field of the result map.

data "external" "thumbprint" {
  program = ["thumbprint", "-terraform"]

  query = {
    host = ** FQDN HERE **

resource "aws_iam_openid_connect_provider" "k8s" {
  url = ...
  client_id_list = [
  thumbprint_list = [data.external.thumbprint.result["thumbprint"]]