Memcached Go Operator


This Memcached operator is a simple example operator for the Operator SDK and includes some basic end-to-end tests.


Getting Started

  1. Create a namespace kubectl create namespace my-name
  2. Edit Makefile and replace default with your namespace name.
  3. Run the unit tests make test-unit. This will run using a mocked Kubernetes API.
  4. Run the system tests make test-e2e. This will run using your real Kubernetes API.
  5. Add the necessary functionality to pkg/controllers/memcached/memcached_controller.go to pass the tests.

Pulling the dependencies

Run the following command

$ go mod tidy

Running the operator locally

Instead of building and redeploying the operator on every code change you can run it locally by running:

$ make run

This enables quicker development iterations.

Building the operator

Build the Memcached operator image and push it to a registry:

$ oc project <my-namespace>
$ make imagestream-init
$ make build
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy