
An example of using JSIL to compile C# into JavaScript usable for frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JSIL Compilation Example

This is an example of compilation of a C# class library using JSIL, and using it in a front-end page. This is useful since it allows for sharing of DTO or logic between a backend API and frontend.

The Libraries folder is produced by building the JSIL project.


First, ensure you have JSIL installed, and the path to the folder containing JSILc.exe is in your PATH environment variable (JSILc should give an output displaying options when run in the command line)

Build the C# class library solution using dotnet build ExampleJsilCompilation.sln.

Then transpile the dll to JavaScript with JSILc .\ExampleJsilCompilation\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ExampleJsilCompilation.dll -o js.

This will output the compiled JavaScript into the js folder, so it can be used by the front-end.