Messing with TypeScript

I want to play around with TypeScript (TS) and finally get over the initial configuration and toy example hurdles. I'm also interested in playing with HTML Canvas because I like the feedback loop of drawing stuff to screen through code.

So why not combine both things!

This was originally based on the ideas in this blog post which showed me some examples on creating and moving objects on a canvas. But at this point I've gone off on my own.

A lot of the theory involved with the hexagons is based on the excellent articles from red blob games.


NodeJS for build tooling


npm install


Title Command Description
Build npm run build Runs webpack, outputting a built project
Dev npm run dev Runs the watch and server npm scripts concurrently
Watch npm run watch Runs webpack, watching files for changes.
Server npm run server Runs live-server which is a handy local dev server


I'm using the TODO extension for VSCode.

You can view the file here.