
What's My Score App built with NativeScript + Angular 2 + TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

start-page regions-page regions-page-drawer

WhatsMyScore2 - NativeScript

What's My Score App built with NativeScript + Angular 2 + TypeScript

Getting Started

Make sure you have all the tools to run NativeScript

  1. npm install
  2. tns run android


  • Start page - complete - must remove the test page some point
  • Regions page - complete
  • Region page - complete
  • Region competitions page - complete
  • Competition page - complete
    • Information - to-do
    • Start list - complete - with groupBy and orderBy pipes
      • Grade start list to-do
    • Grade list - to-do: add search with groupBy and orderBy pipes
      • Grade results - to-do
    • Club list - to-do: add search with groupBy and orderBy pipes
      • Club results - to-do
  • Stats page - to-do
  1. Angular2 NativeScript components
    • List control: nx-list - complete
    • List item control: nx-list-item - mostly done - I may come back and add more animation cues.
    • Nav - work in progress - may switch to the angular-nativescript actionbar - undecided.
    • Side bar
  2. Styling - ongoing


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