
Show OctoPrint status on a character LCD display

Primary LanguagePython


Show OctoPrint status on a character LCD display

This app will show some status info for OctoPrint on a 20x4 character LCD display. The LCD display is connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and the data is pulled from the OctoPrint API.

Note: Now requires Octoprint version 1.2 or higher due to changes in the Octoprint software API key requirements.


ssh into your Octoprint machine as the 'pi' user

Install required packages

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-smbus python-pip git
sudo pip install rpi.gpio
sudo pip install requests

Clone the repository

cd /home/pi
sudo git clone https://github.com/matt448/OctoPiCharLCD.git

Create symbolic links for startup scripts

sudo ln -s /home/pi/OctoPiCharLCD/octolcd.py /usr/bin/octolcd
sudo ln -s /home/pi/OctoPiCharLCD/etc/init.d/octolcd /etc/init.d/octolcd

Edit octolcd.cfg config file and set apikey to value from Settings > API

vi OctoPiCharLCD/octolcd.cfg

Start up the service

sudo service octolcd start



LCD Wiring

This is the wiring for the very first Raspberry Pi. Newer models may be different. If different pins are used on the RPi you will need to edit the pin numbers in the octolcd.py script.

LCD Pin # LCD Pin Desc Connection
1 GND Ground
2 5V 5V
3 Contrast Center pin 10k pot
4 RS RPi GPIO #25
5 R/W Ground
6 EN RPi GPIO #24
7 Data Bit 0 NOT USED N/C
8 Data Bit 1 NOT USED N/C
9 Data Bit 2 NOT USED N/C
10 Data Bit 3 NOT USED N/C
11 Data Bit 4 RPi GPIO #23
12 Data Bit 5 RPi GPIO #17
13 Data Bit 6 RPi GPIO #21
14 Data Bit 7 RPi GPIO #22
15 LCD Backlight +5v 5V
16 LCD Backlight GND Ground