
Search for any Git-repository from your LINUX terminal, and SearchGit will find anything on Github, give you the information of repo, and clone a repo: while staying in your terminal.

Primary LanguagePython


SearchGit allows you to search any Git-repo, view the README info, and install any program exclusively from your own terminal.


First type ./SearchGit.sh Then type in the desired repo you wish to search (if the search requires more then one word, use a + in between each word for the needed search. Example: Linux+exploits will = Linux exploits).

SearchGit will then give you the top ten results of your search. If you would like to view more information on a repo: Copy the handle of a given repo, press the number 1 and then past the repo in the prompt that says "Add repo here:".


SearchGit will then pull the infomation of the README.md file into the terminal. Note: if the repo only has a README file and not a README.md file, the program will only send back a 404 error. You will then need to use a webpage to view that repo.


At the bottom of your terminal you will be prompted to make a final choice. Press 1 and the repo will be cloned to the SearchGit file location. If you press 2 you will be taken back to the first prompt: Where you can search another repo.


Run the Dependencies.sh file. You will need Python3 if you don't yet have it.


Add the exe file to your PATH and the program will run in windows PowerShell