
Ten pin bowling scorecard in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bowling Scorecard


This JavaScript app simulates a bowling scorecard, allowing a user to enter their scores per roll, and calculating the running total.

demo gif

Technologies used

  • JavaScript
  • Jasmine

Personal motivation

  • Further improve my test-driving of heavy logic-based problems
  • Further learn JavaScript
  • Improve my process of learning new languages

Steps to download

  1. Fork this repo

  2. git clone git@github.com:<userName>/bowling-challenge onto your local machine

To run tests

After forking and cloning repo, open the path to SpecRunner.html in your browser. Click ok to any tests that prompt alerts.

To use app

Copy the path to index.html into your browser, and start adding scores

Alternatively, console commands can be used as follows (examples showing scoring variations and strike/spare bonuses)...

scorecard = new Scorecard

frame1 = new Frame
frame1.enterFirstRollScore(10, scorecard)

frame2 = new Frame
frame2.enterFirstRollScore(10, scorecard)

frame3 = new Frame
frame3.enterFirstRollScore(6, scorecard)
frame3.enterSecondRollScore(6, scorecard)
// => Frame.js:39 Uncaught Error: A maximum of 10 can be scored per frame.

frame3.enterSecondRollScore(4, scorecard)

frame4 = new Frame
frame4.enterFirstRollScore(7, scorecard)
frame4.enterSecondRollScore(1, scorecard)

// returns...
Scorecard {frames: Array(4)}
  frames: Array(4)
    0: Frame
      bonusScore: 16
      firstRollScore: 10
      secondRollScore: 0
      spareFlag: false
      strikeFlag: true
      totalScore: 26
      __proto__: Object
    1: Frame
      bonusScore: 10
      firstRollScore: 10
      secondRollScore: 0
      spareFlag: false
      strikeFlag: true
      totalScore: 20
      __proto__: Object
    2: Frame
      bonusScore: 7
      firstRollScore: 6
      secondRollScore: 4
      spareFlag: true
      strikeFlag: false
      totalScore: 17
      __proto__: Object
    3: Frame
      bonusScore: 0
      firstRollScore: 7
      secondRollScore: 1
      spareFlag: false
      strikeFlag: false
      totalScore: 8
      __proto__: Object
    length: 4

// => 71

Problem breakdown

Links to requirements and problem breakdown, and models

Problem breakdown

Link to first roll logic flow model

Link to second roll logic flow model

Class diagram


  1. A bowling game consists of 10 frames.

  2. In each frame the player tries to knock down the 10 pins

  3. The player can roll one or two times per frame, depending on whether the player has scored a strike.

  4. The score of a frame is the number of knocked down pins plus bonuses for a strike or spare.

  5. After every frame the 10 pins are reset.


  • The player has a strike if they knock down all 10 pins with the first roll in a frame.

  • The frame ends immediately (since there are no pins left for a second roll).

  • The bonus for that frame is the number of pins knocked down by the next two rolls (the 2 rolls of the the next frame, unless the player rolls another strike).


  • The player has a spare if they knock down all 10 pins with their two rolls in a frame.

  • The bonus for that frame is the number of pins knocked down by the next roll (first roll of next frame).

10th frame

  • If the player rolls a strike or spare in the 10th frame they can roll additional balls for the bonus
    • If a spare, the player rolls one more for the bonus.

    • If a strike, the player rolls two more for the bonus.

    • These additional rolls only count for the bonus

10 | 10 | 10 => 30 points (10 points for the regular first strike and 20 points for the bonus).

1 | 9 | 10 => 20 points (10 points for the regular spare and 10 points for the bonus).

Gutter Game

A Gutter Game is when the player never hits a pin (20 zero scores).

Perfect Game

A Perfect Game is when the player rolls 12 strikes (10 regular strikes and 2 strikes for the bonus in the 10th frame). The Perfect Game scores 300 points.

Optional Extras

  • Create an interactive animated interface with jQuery.
  • Set up Travis CI to run tests.
  • Add ESLint to codebase and make code conform.

Original README

Link to original repo and readme