Terraform Cloud Workspace Manager

This Python script is designed to manage Terraform Cloud workspace settings efficiently, offering command-line options to change workspace execution modes, update VCS branch settings, configure VCS trigger paths, and reset workspace settings to a predefined state.


  • Set Execution Mode: Switch between local and remote execution modes for your Terraform Cloud workspaces.
  • Change VCS Branch: Update the VCS branch that your Terraform Cloud workspace tracks.
  • Set VCS Trigger Paths: Specify paths within your repository that should trigger runs when changes are detected.
  • Set VCS Trigger Paths: Define paths within your repository to trigger runs when changes are detected.
  • Reset Workspace Settings: Apply a predefined set of settings to quickly reset or initialize a workspace configuration.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x installed on your machine.
  • requests and colorama Python packages installed.
  • A valid Terraform Cloud API token.


  1. Ensure Python 3 and pip are installed on your system.

  2. Install the required Python packages pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Clone this repository or download the script to your local machine.

  4. Create a config.json file in the same directory as the script with your Terraform Cloud API token and base URL:

    "API_TOKEN": "<your_api_token_here>",
    "API_BASE_URL": "https://app.terraform.io/api/v2/"

Replace <your_api_token_here> with your actual Terraform Cloud API token.


The script can be run from the command line with various arguments to perform actions on your Terraform Cloud workspace.

  • Set Execution Mode:
./workspace_manager.py --local # Set workspace to local execution mode.
./workspace_manager.py --remote # Set workspace to remote execution mode.
  • Change VCS Branch:
./workspace_manager.py --change-branch "new-branch-name"
  • Set VCS Trigger Paths:
./workspace_manager.py --set-trigger-paths
  • Reset workspace to default settings (remote, main branch, working directory, and trigger paths)
./workspace_manager.py --reset-workspace

The script determines the repository root and sets trigger paths based on your current working directory.

Setting up Aliases

  1. Open Your Zsh Configuration File:

Open your ~/.zshrc file in your preferred text editor. This file is executed whenever you start a new zsh session.

  1. Add Aliases:

At the bottom of the file, add aliases for the script. Be sure to replace (path to the script) with the actual path to your workspace_manager.py script. For example:

alias tflocal='python3 /path/to/workspace_manager.py --local'
alias tfremote='python3 /path/to/workspace_manager.py --remote'
alias tfsetbranch='python3 /path/to/workspace_manager.py --change-branch main'
alias tfsettriggers='python3 /path/to/workspace_manager.py --set-trigger-paths'
alias tfreset='python3 /path/to/workspace_manager.py --reset-workspace'

These aliases allow you to execute the script's functionalities without typing the full command:

  • tflocal: Set workspace to local execution mode.
  • tfremote: Set workspace to remote execution mode.
  • tfsetbranch: Change the VCS branch of the workspace. Usage: tfsetbranch new-branch-name
  • tfsettriggers: Set VCS trigger paths based on the repo root.
  1. Reload Your Configuration:

For the changes to take effect, reload your .zshrc file by running:

% source ~/.zshrc

or simply close and reopen your terminal.


With aliases set up, you can now easily manage your Terraform Cloud workspace settings using short commands:

  • Switch to local execution mode:
% tflocal
  • Switch to remote execution mode
% tfremote
  • Change the VCS branch (replace new-branch-name with your target branch name):
% tfsetbranch new-branch-name
  • Set the VCS trigger paths:
% tfsettriggers
  • Reset everything:
% tfreset

Adding New Features

To extend this script with new functionalities:

  1. Understand Existing Classes: Familiarize yourself with the TerraformCloudAPI and TerraformWorkspaceManager classes. New API functionalities can be added as methods to these classes.

  2. Add New Method: For a new feature, add a method in TerraformWorkspaceManager. Use patch_workspace method from TerraformCloudAPI for making API calls.

  3. Update main Function: Incorporate your new method into the main function with appropriate argument parsing.

  4. Test Your Changes: Always test new functionalities to ensure they work as expected before using them in production.


Contributions to enhance this script are welcome! Please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.