
Repo for recipes with a simple site to view, inspired by https://bouty.me/

Primary LanguageHTML


Thanks to bouty.me for the template of this site!

Repo for recipes with a simple site to view. Created using markdown files and Jekyll.


  • change font
  • highlight with brackets instead of shadow


  • grep out leading spaces find _recipes -name "* *.md" | while read FN; do echo mv "$FN" "${FN/}"; done
  • remove formatting from file names
  • remove _ from content

Install and serve

gem install bundler jekyll
bundle exec jekyll serve


Content files:

├── index.md                # home page
├── _categories
│   ├── bread.md            # a file for each category
│   └── ...
├── _recipes
│   ├── bread               # should match category file exactly
│   │   ├── pizza.md        # individual recipe
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...

To edit the home page, simply edit index.md.

To add a new category, you need to create a file with the appropriate name (e.g. bread.md) in the _categories/ directory following the example of the other category files. Front-matter (between the triple dashes ---) must contain the title, and you must set layout: category. Any content below the front-matter will displayed on the page for that category. Then Create a new subdirectory underneath _recipes with the same name as the file above, in this case, bread/.

# Category example for _categories/bread.md
title: Bread
layout: category

We love making bread!

To add a recipe, add a file (e.g. pizza.md) under the appropriate subdirectory within _recipes/ (if you put it at the top level, it won't be displayed) and follow the _recipes/template.md file or another recipe file. The variables source, yield and notes are optional. source can be a URL or simple text. Within the front-matter (between the triple dashes ---) , use quotes "" around strings if they contain special characters such as colons :.

For the content (everything after the triple-dashes ---), use ## for the main categories (Ingredients and Method), and ### for sub-categories (see below). Use normal lists (-) for ingredients and methods. All spacing is important: new lines before ##, after lists, and a space between ## or - and text.

# Recipe example for _recipes/bread/pizza.md
layout: recipe
title: Pizza dough
yield: 4 pizzas
time: 40 minutes

## Ingredients
- 2 cups 00 flour
- 1 cup warm water

## Method
### Preparation
- Mix together.
- Knead.

### Cooking
- Bake at 250 C.


All layout and style is contained in the following files:

├── _includes
│   ├── cat-list.html   # menu list of categories
│   ├── rec-list.html   # menu list of recipes
│   └── style.scss      # all site styles
│   ├── default.html    # root layout with HTML boiler plate etc
│   ├── index.html      # layout for home page
│   ├── category.html   # layout for a category page
│   └── recipe.html     # layout for an actual recipe


The Jekyll configuration is in _config.yml.

