
A docker compose for quick deployments of Metabase

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This is a production ready deployment method for Metabase running on AW EC2, with AWS RDS for metadata.

This can also be achieved alternatively using Elastic Beanstalk using this guide.


  • AWS account, ability to setup EC2 and RDS instances
  • Docker-machine installed


  1. Create an AWS postgreSQL RDS instance (t2.micro should be fine, this is just the metadata)
  2. Create a .env file for your RDS DB password
vi .env
  1. Open docker-compose.yml and replace MB_DB_HOST variable with your RDS instance
  2. Open default.conf and change the variables as appropriate. You can setup an elastic IP or domain name here.
  3. Get some certs from your Devops team, make a certs folder in this repo and copy them in
mkdir nginx/certs
cp ~/certs/<cert-name>.crt nginx/certs
cp ~/certs/<cert-name>.key nginx/certs


  1. Run the following docker-machine, with the variables replaced with your region/vpc/subnet/key
docker-machine create \
  --amazonec2-vpc-id <vpc_id> \
  --amazonec2-region <aws_preferred_region>  \
  --amazonec2-instance-type t2.medium \
  --amazonec2-use-private-address \
  --amazonec2-keypair-name <your_AWS_keypair_name> \
  --amazonec2-subnet-id <subnet> \
  --amazonec2-ssh-keypath ~/<directory_of_your_keypath>.pem \
  --driver amazonec2 \
  1. Run the following to get the machine IP, for later
docker-machine ip data-metabase
  1. Connect to the now running Docker Machine with the following
eval $(docker-machine env data-metabase)

Only need to run this once, test it worked by running docker ps

  1. Build & Start Metabase docker container
eval $(docker-machine env data-metabase)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Your Metabase should now be available at the IP or domain you used!


  • Stop Metabase docker container
eval $(docker-machine env data-metabase)
docker ps
docker stop <container_id>
  • Stop EC2 server
docker-machine stop data-metabase
  • Start EC2 server
docker-machine start data-metabase
  • Upgrade Metabase
eval $(docker-machine env data-metabase)
docker ps
docker stop <container_id>
docker pull metabase/metabase:latest
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Devops Notes

  • Use an Elastic IP, add to the whitelisted list on Snowflake IP policy
  • To get server logs:
eval $(dm env data-metabase)
docker ps
# docker logs -f 08b75f98c9a7   #all logs
docker logs --tail 100 08b75f98c
# may need to change 08b75f98c9a7