
Elixir docs from your command line

Primary LanguageElixir

ExDoc Shell

Elixir docs on your command line for use with fzf.

demo of ExDoc Shell piped through FZF


Build the CLI tool.

mix escript.build

If you want it in your path, you can also say this instead:

mix escript.install

If you are using asdf you will need to asdf reshim afterwards.


With FZF

exdoc_shell \
  | fzf --preview='exdoc_shell {}' \
        --preview-window=right,75%,wrap \
        --no-info \
        --height=90% \
        --bind='alt-n:preview-down,alt-p:preview-up' \
  | xargs exdoc_shell

Consider moving the above to a shell script on your path (or an alias) for convenience. Mine is just called exdoc for brevity.

Without FZF

Still useful!

List all modules and functions

> exdoc_shell

... snip ...

Display docs for a module

> exdoc_shell Enum


Provides a set of algorithms to work with enumerables.

In Elixir, an enumerable is any data type that implements the Enumerable
protocol. Lists ([1, 2, 3]), Maps (%{foo: 1, bar: 2}) and Ranges (1..3) are
common data types used as enumerables:

    iex> Enum.map([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x * 2 end)
    [2, 4, 6]

... snip ...

Display docs for a specific function in a module

> exdoc_shell Enum.filter/2

def filter(enumerable, fun)

  @spec filter(t(), (element() -> as_boolean(term()))) :: list()

Filters the enumerable, i.e. returns only those elements for which fun returns
a truthy value.

See also reject/2 which discards all elements where the function returns a
truthy value.

## Examples

    iex> Enum.filter([1, 2, 3], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)

... snip ...