A tiny 360 bytes transition library.
Include the minified version of the library at the bottom of your HTML.
Add an attribute of "data-yo" to the elements that you want to transition with the options explained below.
All transition options are separated by pipes.
E.g. data-yo="background-color|yellow|orange|hover|300ms ease-in-out"
- The first option is the property that you want to transition.
- The second is the value that you want to start with.
- The third is the value that you want to transition to.
- The four option is the event you want the transition to be triggered by. This has to be a valid CSS selector. E.g. hover, focus, active (this is hover by default and is optional)
- The fifth option is for the CSS transition options. E.g. 300ms ease-in-out (this is .3s by default and is optional)
<div data-yo="transform|skew(20deg)|skew(-20deg)|hover|300ms ease-in-out">Yo</div>
For more examples see http://mattbegent.github.io/yo/
This project was inspired by the excellent animatable, but uses CSS transitions, insertRule to insert CSS and aims to be as tiny as possible.