
Showing logs with tail command directly to airbrussh formatter

AlfredoRoca opened this issue · 2 comments

I have this rake task:

namespace :logs do
  desc "tail rails log" 
  task :tail_rails do
    on roles(:app) do
      execute "tail -f #{shared_path}/log/#{fetch(:rails_env)}.log"

This task tails production rails log if set :format, :pretty in deploy.rb
But without any format specified and gem airbrussh formatting capistrano output, the task doesn't show anything. capistrano.log is getting the log correctly.
It would be nicer to have the log through airbrussh.
Is there any config to do that?

Great job!

robd commented

Hey @AlfredoRoca

I think config.command_output = :stdout is what you're after:

  # You can control whether airbrussh shows the output of SSH commands. For
  # brevity, the output is hidden by default.
  # Display stdout of SSH commands. Stderr is not displayed.
  # config.command_output = :stdout
  # Display stderr of SSH commands. Stdout is not displayed.
  # config.command_output = :stderr
  # Display all SSH command output.
  # config.command_output = [:stdout, :stderr]
  # or
  # config.command_output = true
  # Default (all output suppressed):
  config.command_output = false

Thanks. It worked. I needed more reading :-)