- 0
- 3
unsupported Ruby version 1.9 in `TargetRubyVersion` parameter (in vendor/bundle/ruby/3.3.0/gems/airbrussh-1.5.2/.rubocop.yml)
#157 opened by andrer0cha - 7
Switch from alias_method to prepend
#151 opened by benebrice - 3
Travis-CI builds are no longer working
#136 opened by jcoyne - 1
Replace Travis with CircleCI
#137 opened by mattbrictson - 0
Test on ruby 3
#134 opened by jcoyne - 1
Console error only when using Spring
#133 opened by jasonperrone - 5
Make ConsoleFormatter's context configurable
#130 opened by pblesi - 6
- 3
Make rake a gem dependency
#126 opened by pblesi - 0
"invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" when rsyncing files with international character
#120 opened by dbackeus - 1
Customize output to show server hostname
#112 opened by allaire - 0
Circular dependency warning
#107 opened by mattbrictson - 2
- 2
- 9
Empty console output
#108 opened by evserykh - 3
Colorize LogMessages again
#94 opened by klyonrad - 3
Colors in the capistrano.log file
#105 opened by mbouchard - 9
#104 opened by avonderluft - 0
- 0
Tests fail under Ruby 2.4.0
#99 opened by mattbrictson - 2
- 1
Hostname in output
#98 opened by scottmullaly - 4
- 0
IO.console can be nil
#96 opened by hron84 - 7
- 0
- 10
- 5
- 2
annoying log with capistrano/npm
#83 opened by eelp-juanma - 1
Set options per task
#82 opened by mdesantis - 7
Handle @position=nil case properly
#78 opened by kenn - 4
Log all error
#61 opened by lecoueyl - 0
Show current `within` value
#77 opened by garex - 1
Running from Pseudoterminals (PTY) outputs nothing when truncation is set to auto
#75 opened by PatKoperwas - 1
Update development roadmap
#39 opened by mattbrictson - 2
- 6
- 1
- 10
- 2
- 3
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8
#57 opened by robd - 2
Verify airbrussh works on Windows
#52 opened by mattbrictson - 1
Changelog entry for 0.6 is too awesome
#56 opened by jaredbeck - 2
Add tests for Airbrussh::Console
#40 opened by mattbrictson - 1
Using sshkit@master, airbrussh command output is sometimes truncated/malformatted
#44 opened by mattbrictson - 2
- 9
- 1
- 1