Test Driven Learning: Linked List


  1. Refresh your memory of unit testing by reading: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development * http://www.extremeprogramming.org/rules/unittests.html
  2. Fork this repository and clone your fork
  3. Open SinglyLinkedLists.sln
  4. Use the TestExplorer to "Run All" Unit Tests.
  5. Make the test suite pass by implementing the SinglyLinkedList and SinglyLinkedListNode classes * Choose one test at a time to work on * Once the tests pass, you should refactor and clean up your code
  6. Push your implementation up to github as you work on it.

Test Run Modes

Note that there are individual Unit Tests, as well as two Ordered Tests (BasicLinkedListImplementation and AdvancedLinkedListImplementation).

The ordered test files run the tests in a fixed order, which can guide your implementation, Koans-style. Or, you can choose individual Unit Tests to focus on and implement methods in an order of your own choosing.

More Information

There are multiple projects in this Visual Studio Solution (sln). This may be the first time you've worked with multiple projects at the same time.

The solution contain:

  • A Library Project, SinglyLinkedLists
  • A Unit Test Project, UnitTestSinglyLinkedLists
  • A WPF application, SinglyLinkedListVisualizer

Visualizing Your LinkedLists

If you press the "Start" button in VisualStudio, it will run the SinglyLinkedListVisualizer application, which will create and show a visualization of a SinglyLinkedList. You can run various methods from within the SinglyLinkedListVisualizer, in order to visually see their effects on the SinglyLinkedList and its SinglyLinkedListNodes.

You may have to right-click on the SinglyLinkedListVisualizer application and choose "Set As StartUp Project" before you can run it via. the "Start" button.