
mastery-exercise-repo-mattbruton created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC#

Databases and Repository Pattern Quiz


The goal of this exercise is to assess the student's ability to properly modify and pre-existing Solution to fit it into the proper specifications.


  • Find and add the needed classes/files to implement a fully unit tested Repository.
  • Unit Test and Implement the NameGenerator class.
  • Create a migration for the Student model.
  • Use your seed method to populate the database with students. Your database must contain 10 with unique names.
  • Fully implement the Razor View for the supplied Student controller using the Specifications below.


  • The NameGenerator class should generate a random FirstName, LastName, Major combination.
  • /Student - This view should display a simple HTML table of all students in your database exposing all of the properties for the Student model. Your HTML table should have headers and be centered on the page.

What's Included

  1. RepoQuiz (MVC Web Application project)
  2. RepoQuiz.Tests (Unit Test project)
  3. Entity Framework is installed in both projects.
  4. Moq is installed in the RepoQuiz.Tests project.
  5. A .gitignore :simple_smile:


  • Find what's missing
  • Ensure the students in your database are unique. What does the first argument of the AddOrUpdate method represent? Can you come up with an expression to check for uniqueness?
  • NameGenerator can choose from a predefined list of names and majors. Is there a way to randomly select an item from a list?