
An awesome list of stuff curated by the most successful CodeClan cohort G6

Awesome list G6

Curation of cool stuff, do your own research when installing and using programs.


  1. Falafel 2 go, good cheap Falafel
  2. Renfield cafe, good rolls reasonably priced
  3. £4 cash only take-away Giros(Kebab meat, salad, chips, wrap)
  4. Probably the best pizza in toon
  5. Glasgow's greatest sandwich/bagel/panini selection
  6. Two curries, chips and a can of juice for £3.90 - bit of a walk though
  7. Best roll in town
  8. Bloc, heavy good meal deals every day. Also a solid boozer.


  1. Laboratorio Espresso
  2. Gordon Street Coffee
  3. Thompson Central


  1. Jacksons: cheap, nearby, guid
  2. Malones: nearby, has a roof terrace
  3. Howlin' Wolf: 2for1 pizzas, bluesy, and you guessed it: nearby


  1. Ruby cheat-sheet
  2. Ruby enumerables list from docs
  3. Ruby style guide to make your code look understandable and readable


  1. Postgresql Docs
  2. SQL cheat sheet
  3. SQL joins
  4. Postgres GUI
  5. Mongodb NoSQL db
  6. Mongoose, Lousie mentioned this to extend Mongo functionality
  7. Mlab, free hosting for api up to 0.5gb


  1. The bible(apparently) on Java coding style
  2. Useful Spark debugging tools
  3. Spark


  1. NPM
  2. Public Apis
  3. Remember, governments have loads of apis available.
  4. Express JS
  5. Webpack
  6. No-demon
  7. Mocha testing


  1. Looking for dev jobs in Edinburgh? Ross has you covered


  1. Want to learn Python 3
  2. Want to learn Mathematical and Scientific computing with Python
  3. Want to learn a web framework for python
  4. How to automate the boring stuff
  5. Enjoy algorithms, try your hand at low latency investment algorithms!
  6. Flask, python's Sinatra or spark

Software Development Literature

  1. Interesting article on productivity and development
  2. Cracking book on going from journeyman to master
  3. WTF is linear algebra?
  4. Monzo's engineering progression framework

Machine Learning

Web Development

  1. Need awesome looking royalty free pics? Try Pexels
  2. Need an awesome looking website template
  3. A cracking resource on various web dev stuff
  4. A great website for high quality icons
  5. "This is your new bible" J. McCollum MDN
  6. Great resource on css: css tricks
  7. Emmet plugin cheat sheet
  8. Massive Documentation resource list
  9. css grid garden game
  10. Route tester
  11. Source tree git manager
  12. test your site speed;
  13. Some CSS links:

Other Languages/Scientific Stuff

  1. Haskell: an academic language
  2. Matlab and R
  3. A good resource for mathematics and science. Left as a link as upkeep of the site is a hit or a miss. https://sites.google.com/site/scienceandmathguide/
  4. cloud computing training


  1. A nice relaxing website: submit your own nice things!