
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Compares 2 images for similarity, returning a percentage of the difference (0-1)


npm install compare-image --save


There are 2 buit in comparission methods:

###comparePixels (imgA, imgB, cb(error, diff) )### checks each pixel for any differences - best for visual comparison. Diff is the percentage difference as 0-1.

###compareByChannels (imgA, imgB, cb(error, diff)### checks each channel on each pixel - best for comparing the underlyin data. Diff is the percentage difference as 0-1.

###compare (imgA, imgB, comparator(bitmapA, bitmapB), cb(error, diff) )### Compare allows you to run your own comparator function. This will receive 2 args, each a ndarray of pixels in raster order having shape equal to [width, height, channels]

comparator must return the difference between the two bitmaps as value of 0-1.

##pixels vs channels## If we take 2 images, and the only difference is the RED channel on 1 pixel.

comparePixels looks at each pixel as a whole. Any change is treated as a visual difference of that pixel. So a 100 x 100px image, which has 1 pixel different would be 0.1 percent different.

compareData would produce only a 0.025 percent difference for same image, as only 1 of the 4 channels on that pixel was different.

API Docs

see here.


var compareImg = require('compare-image');

//can a relative path, an http url, a data url, or an in-memory Buffer.
var imgA='http://www.domain.com/path/to/image.png';
var imgB='http://www.domain.com/path/to/image.png';

compareImg.comparePixels(imgA, imgB, function(err, diff) {
    console.log("the images are", diff, " percent different");