
A Fork of my game project for UC Merced OOP, aimed at providing basic functionality and organization for a simple glut game

Primary LanguageC++


A Fork of my game project for UC Merced OOP, aimed at providing basic functionality and organization for a simple glut game

Currently Only supports OSX

****IN PROGRESS ****

== To compile on windows: ==

Install visual studio (only checked with 2012, but should work with 2013)

Download CMAKe, choose source folder "source" choose build folder "bin"

Configure CMake, note: Visual studio 2012 is "Visual studio 11"

open solution file and select Release or Debug build solution

== To Compile on osx: ==

Download SDL for OSX from http://www.libsdl.org/ Download SDL_TTF for OSX from http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/ open dmg files, and install as specified in "readme.txt" (for both)

Download CMake, choose source folder "source" choose build folder "bin"

configure cmake, use xcode build solution