Auth Server

This is a simple Node / Express server with no UI. Its purpose is to isolate authentication / authorization functionality from the rest of a web app.

  • It is based on the authSandbox repo, found here.
  • It uses Passport JS's flash messaging functionality, and assumes you have flash message consumption in your app.
  • Use it by cloning this repo into the root of your project.
  • The code handles signing up, logging in and logging out. That's it. Right now it uses Passport JS, but in the future it might also use auth0.

It return a JWT upon successful registration / login.

Users can register a new account.

Users can log in in two different ways:

  • Basic Authentication (username / password)
  • OAuth2
    • Google
    • GitHub

A MongoDB / Mongoose database is used to save user info, and to persist authentication / session info. You can use a different database if you want to, but you will need to change code in the routes.

Technologies Used

  • Node / Express
    • bcrypt
    • express-session
    • express flash messaging
    • jsonwebtoken
  • MongoDB / Mongoose
    • connect-mongo
    • mongoose-find-or-create
  • Typescript
  • Passport JS
    • Basic authentication
    • OAuth2
      • Google
      • GitHub
    • JWT

Getting Started

After downloading / cloning the repo

npm install

You will need environment vars (eg: mongodb://localhost:27017) authService (eg: 1200000 = 20 mins.)


JWT_TOKEN_SECRET=you.can.use.node.REPL.then.require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex') to make this

Run the server

npm run start

Once everything is installed and running, you can send your app's auth-related requests to this server.


  • Basic Local
    • Username / Password
  • OAuth2
    • Google
    • GitHub
  • auth0
    • still researching this
  • JWT
    • For authorization / role / access level

Known Issues

  • Ssimultaneous OAuth2 authentication issue
    • Use Google, logout and the use GitHub
      • still logs in with Google

To Do

  • More Typescript
  • Research / implement auth0
  • Dockerize / Deploy
    • Netlify, et al.
    • Microservice / AWS
    • NPM package