
Makes fake data that has a Futurama flair to it... 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Futurama Data Maker

What is this?

This is a script that creates fake data that has some Futurama-y stank on it.

It produces:

  • Crew All current / all time planet express crew members and their alive status
  • Persons who 30% of the time have spacey sounding last names like: Borzox and Dakorezonoid
  • Delivery Addresses that use Futurama-y planets, sector, streets, and lat/long.


  • Crew
    "firstName": "Phillip",
    "lastName": "Fry",
    "alive": true,
    "positionType": "delivery"
  • Person
    "firstName": "Nedra",
    "lastName": "Bugozoid"
  • Delivery
    "planet": "Omicron Persei 8",
    "sector": 138,
    "streetAddress": "591 Mayer Spring",
    "latitude": "-83.6251",
    "longitude": "139.1034"

Why make this?

As the companion to a blog I am writing about SQLAlchemy that I don't want to suck.

How do I use this?

There are two ways to use this:

  • Copy pre-made data either in a combined format or individually see: premade-data dir for files.
  • Clone this (git clone <this-repo>) install deps (npm i) and run it (node index.js)