
If it helped me learn GoLang this is where it is

Primary LanguageGo



If it helped me learn GoLang this is where it is

What is this?

This repository is a collection of tutoiral projects that are set up in the following fashion:

  • Each primary entity is a folder
    • Example: If I read a book entitled: GoLang Cookbook there would be a root level entry entitled: golang-cookbook. golang-cookbook would be refered to as a primary entity in the context of this README.
  • Each primary entity will contain a README.
    • The README at the top of the primary entity folder will describe what the project is dealing with and how a user ought to go about interacting with the project(s) housed there.
    • The projects will always be runnable GoLang applications unless otherwise stated and explained.

Why make this?

To learn GoLang

How do I use this?

  • git clone <this-repo> # To your $GOPATH
  • cd <this-repo>/project/of/interest
  • go run [*].go