
If you have questions or need help getting setup, please don't hesitate to contact us:


  • The internet (preferably fast & dependable)
  • Audacity
  • USB headset and/or a microphone + headphones (ear-buds are evil)
  • A quiet corner
  • Opinions

Before we record

  • Download & configure Audacity (see the instructions below)
  • Find a quiet place to record
  • Record a 30 second sample, and send it to Creager & Peter
  • Upload the recording to dropbox or something, and send us a link

Configuring Audacity

Audacity is really simple to use, here are a few tips that will improve the quality of the recording:

1. Choose the appropriate recording device and record in (Mono)

Audacity select mono

2. 'Click to Start Monitoring', speak at a normal level - green is good

Audacity levels in the green

3. Export .aiff

Audacity export selection