Approximates an SVG path into a discrete list of 2D contours (polylines). This is useful for collision detection, intersection, triangulation & WebGL rendering, etc. It does not attempt to clean or optimize the discretized points.
var parse = require('parse-svg-path')
var contours = require('svg-path-contours')
var path = 'm10,10C45.812,24.024,45.673,24,45.529,24H31.625
var result = contours(parse(path))
[ [10,10], ...etc ]
[ [x, y], ... ]
Triangulation example:
var parse = require('parse-svg-path')
var simplify = require('simplify-path')
var contours = require('svg-path-contours')
var triangulate = require('triangulate-contours')
//get a list of polylines/contours from svg contents
var lines = contours(parse(path))
//simplify the contours before triangulation
lines = {
return simplify(path, threshold)
//turns into triangles, returns { positions, cells }
var shape = triangulate(lines)
//now draw the simplicial complex with Canvas/WebGL/etc
See demo/index.js for exmaple.
Takes parsed SVG contents from parse-svg-path and produces a list of 2D polylines representing the contours of the shape.
MIT, see for details.