A collection of modules for processing, manipulating, and rendering text and fonts in Node and the browser. Please open an issue or submit a PR for suggestions/improvements.
# Articles
- Material Design on the GPU
- Drawing Text with Signed Distance Fields in MapboxGL
- Improved Alpha-Test Magnification for Vector Textures
- Multi-Channel Distance Field Font Rendering
# Font Processing
# Bitmap Text
- BMFont (Windows only)
- Hiero
- GlyphDesigner
- Littera
- gdx-fontpack
- bmGlyph
- image-sdf get an image's Signed Distance Field
- convert-bmfont convert BMFont from one format to another
Parses BMFont file formats to a standardized JSON.
- parse-bmfont-xml
- parse-bmfont-ascii
- parse-bmfont-binary
- unpack-bmfonts unpacks a binary of multiple BMFonts
Writes to a specific format.
- write-bmfont-binary
- pack-bmfonts packs multiple BMFonts into a single binary file
- load-bmfont loads various BMFont file formats in Node/Browser
- word-wrapper wraps words based on arbitrary 2D glyphs
- layout-bmfont-text word-wraps and lays out text glyphs
- three-bmfont-text renders BMFont files in ThreeJS
- gl-sprite-text renders BMFont files in stackgl
- font-atlas populate a Canvas with bitmap font glyphs
- bmfont-lato Lato packed as a BMFont for testing
# Vector Text
- vectorize-text render a string to a vectorized cell complex
- cdt2d numerically robust delaunay triangulation
- earcut small and fast triangulation module
- triangulate-polyline simple abstraction atop
- triangulate-contours triangulate using Tess2
- cubic-hermite-spline
- b-spline
- bezier-curve
- adaptive-bezier-curve
- adaptive-quadratic-curve
- cat-rom-spline
- bezier-easing
- simplify-path - simplify using radial distance and Douglas-Peucker
- chaikin-smooth - Chaikin's smoothing algorithm for a polyline
- robust-orientation and is-clockwise for polygon orientation