Calysto Prolog
Because Calysto Prolog uses MetaKernel, it has a fully-supported set of "magics"---meta-commands for additional functionality. See all of the MetaKernel Magics.
You can install Calysto Prolog in two steps:
pip3 install --upgrade calysto_prolog
OR in the system kernel folder with:
sudo pip3 install --upgrade calysto_prolog
Then, you need to install the kernelspec:
python3 -m calysto_prolog install
Add --user
to the above commands to put in your private environment.
Use Calysto Prolog in the console, qtconsole, or notebook:
jupyter console --kernel calysto_prolog
jupyter qtconsole --kernel calysto_prolog
jupyter notebook --kernel calysto_prolog
Example Facts
mother_child(trude, sally).
father_child(tom, sally).
father_child(tom, erica).
father_child(mike, tom).
sibling(X, Y) :- parent_child(Z, X), parent_child(Z, Y).
parent_child(X, Y) :- father_child(X, Y).
parent_child(X, Y) :- mother_child(X, Y).
Example Queries
sibling(sally, erica)?
father_child(Father, Child)?
- Jupyter
- Python2 or Python3
- metakernel (installed automatically)