A python script that reads in a fortran 77 (.f or .F) fixed form file and converts it to a free form Fortran 90 file (.f90 or .F90).
- 50120ush
- arisyoyo
- batermjMETA4ALL
- bbw7561135Yunnan University
- chmodfree
- gopalchandCambridge
- hmendo
- hongmei202403
- jeffhammond@nvidia
- luclaurent
- Mucephieontario, canada
- nixnfgwater information technology
- pankajkarmanKIT Germany
- qianligrass
- sandipgiri576IIT Kharagpur
- sativa
- sbuhlert
- szaghiNational Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- thaithaon
- TheLogan6
- truong-pham-dang
- weiyuan2020
- youli-jlu
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc