
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This is the code repository for the book Developing Kaggle Notebooks: Paving your way to becoming a Kaggle Notebooks Grandmaster, published by Packt.

What is this book about?

Developing Kaggle Notebooks is here to introduce you to the wide world of data analysis, with a focus on using Kaggle Notebooks resources to help you achieve mastery in this field as well as rising to the top in the Kaggle Notebooks tier. The book is structured as a seven-step trip into the world of analysis, exploring the features available in Kaggle Notebooks alongside various data analysis techniques and different kinds of datasets.

What you will learn

  • Approach a new dataset or competition to perform a data analysis via a Notebook and get noticed
  • Start exploring a new source of data, from tools to use for ingestion to treating various issues with ingested data
  • Structure your code using reusable components
  • Perform a deep dive for both small and large datasets of various types
  • Differentiate yourself from the crowd with the content of your analysis
  • Improve the style of your Notebook: color scheme, content organization, visual effects, and theme
  • Use storytelling techniques to captivate your audience, improve the clarity of the presentation, and raise its impact

Who This Book Is for?

This book is suitable for a wide audience with a keen interest in data science and machine learning and those who want to use Kaggle Notebooks to improve their skills and rise in the Kaggle Notebooks ranks. Beginners on Kaggle from any background will benefit Seasoned contributors who want to improve various skills like ingestion, preparation, exploration, and visualization Expert contributors who would like to learn from the Grandmasters to rise into the upper Kaggle rankings Professionals who already use Kaggle for learning and competing

Notebooks in each chapter

The following are links for the notebooks associated with each chapter. The first column in the table gives the chapter. The 2nd column gives the link to the resource (notebook or utility script) in the book repository. The 3rd column gives the link to the resource on Kaggle. By following the link for a notebook on Kaggle, you can directly fork the notebook and start using it directly on the platform.

Chapter no. Chapter title Notebook/Utility Script (GitHub) Open it on Kaggle
3 Starting Our Travel – Surviving the Titanic Disaster Titanic - Start of a Journey Around Data World Kaggle
4 Take a Break and Have a Beer or Coffee in London Coffee or Beer in London - Your Choice! Kaggle
Every Pub in England - Data Exploration Kaggle
geospatial_utils Kaggle
plot_style_utils Kaggle
Starbucks Location Worldwide - Data Exploration Kaggle
5 Get Back to Work and Optimize Microloans for Developing Countries Kiva Microloans - A Data Exploration Kaggle
Understand-poverty-to-optimize-microloans Kaggle
6 Can You Predict Bee Subspecies? data_quality_stats Kaggle
Honeybee Subspecies Classification Kaggle
plotly_utils Kaggle
7 Text Analysis Is All You Need Jigsaw Comments Text Exploration Kaggle
Jigsaw Simple Baseline Kaggle
8 Analyzing Acoustic Signals to Predict the Next Simulated Earthquake JLANL Earthquake Data Exploration and Baseline Kaggle
9 Can You Find Out Which Movie Is a Deepfake? DeepFake Exploratory Data Analysis Kaggle
face_detection_mtcnn Kaggle
face_object_detection Kaggle
video_utils Kaggle
10 Unleash the Power of Generative AI with Kaggle Models RAG using Llama 2, Langchain and ChromaDB Kaggle
Simple sequential chain with Llama 2 and Langchain Kaggle
Test Llama 2 quantized with Llama.cpp Kaggle
Test LlaMa v2 with math Kaggle
Test of Llama 2 quantized with llama.cpp (on CPU) Kaggle
Use Code Llama to generate Python code (13b) Kaggle
11 Closing Our Journey: How to Stay Relevant and on Top Coffee or Beer in London - Your Choice (improved)! Kaggle
How active are the users on Kaggle? Kaggle