
This is a sample logging app using MQTT ready for Docker.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a sample logging app using MQTT ready for Docker.

Installation Steps

The following steps assume that you have Docker already installed on your machine (https://docs.docker.com/linux/):

  1. open a terminal window and navigate to where your cloned this repository
  2. build the image: docker build -t <your username>/docker-log .
  3. verify you have a new image: docker images
  4. run the image: docker run -P --name docker-log --link docker-mosquitto:docker-mosquitto <your username>/docker-log
  5. open another terminal window
  6. mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -t dc/send-log -m 'Test 123'
  7. verify the log was processed in the terminal window

If you want to kill the Docker process execute the following command in a terminal window: docker ps -a | grep docker-log

You will be presented with any matching information. You can get the find the unique id of the prcess and execute the following command to stop it: docker stop <pid>

You will also need to remove the named alias: docker rm docker-log

Sending an log

mosquitto_pub -t dc/send-log -m 'Testing 123'

To run a local version of Mosquitto

/usr/local/sbin/mosquitto -c /usr/local//etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf