
REST API for MongoDB using Fastify as the server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


REST API for MongoDB using Fastify as the server. This server utilizes Fastify-MongoDB, Fastify-Swagger, Fastify-Socket, Fastify-Cors. It tries to reduce the amount of ceremony necessary for creating a server that allows your to expose a REST API for MongoDB. It also gives you the ability to communicate realtime over WebSockets. Finally, in order for you to test or share your REST API, we are using Swagger for discovery and testing of the REST APIs.

Instead of creating a Route for every given collection in a database, it defines a generic set of Routes that handles most CRUD requirements.

Inspiration for this design comes from using the mLab REST API.

Getting Started

To install all of your dependencies:

npm install

You will need to provide an .env file containing all of your MongoDB connection string information. The following is an example:



Fastify-MongoDB allows you to have as many database connections as you like. Mongodon uses this capability to allow for a single REST API but the ability to query from any of your connections.

You will also need to modify the mongo.db.js file under the app/plugins/ folder if you decided to add multiple connections or rename variable in the .env file.

Also, notice that the .env file contains a VERSION variable. This is used with the default route so that you can verify that you are on the corresponding version you deployed latest. It is just a nice feature to make sure that your deployments are working.

If you want to list all databases that you can connect to, you need to upda the following file: databases.json


In order to run your sever locally, you can execute the following command:

node server.js


npm run start

This will start a server on localhost PORT 3000. If you want to use the browser to test your APIs simply open the following in your browser: http://localhost:3000/documentation/

You can also use a tool like Postman to test as well.

Additional thoughts

We are using fastify-socket.io with our Route definitions. By using this approach, we are enabling our real-time messaging to support dynamic topics. In the rtc folder, you will see that we also have a dedicated route to support chatting.