
DBSCOUT is a parallel, Spark-based procedure for anomaly detection, suitable for the big data context.

Primary LanguageJava

DBSCOUT: a density-based method for scalable outlier detection in large datasets


DBSCAN is one of the most well-known algorithm in the field of density-based clustering, although its applicability to large datasets is generally disputed due to its high complexity. The aim of this work is to propose DBSCOUT: a new, parallel, Spark-based procedure for the sole purpose of anomaly detection, in a way which is coherent to the DBSCAN definition and suitable for the big data context. From a theoretical side, this algorithm is characterized by a worst-case performance boundary that depends linearly on the size of the dataset; in practical tests, it outperforms available solutions both in terms of result quality and overall scalability when the data grow large.

Repository organization

The repository is organized in the following folders:

  • algcomp: scripts to run reference algorithms for result comparison.
  • data: data generation scripts.
  • dbscout: the code of DBSCOUT.
  • utils: Spark-based utility scripts.
  • visualization: result visualization scripts.

How to run

The code for DBSCOUT is stored in the dbscout folder, in the form of a Maven project. Compile using mvn package and run either through java or spark-submit.

Supported command-line options include:

  • --algClass: the algorithm class (required). Available options:
    • dbscout.algorithm.sequential.SequentialOutlierDetector: the base version of the sequential algorithm.
    • dbscout.algorithm.parallel.ParallelOutlierDetector: the base version of the parallel algorithm.
    • dbscout.algorithm.parallel.BroadcastOutlierDetector: the broadcast join optimized version of the parallel algorithm.
    • dbscout.algorithm.parallel.GroupedOutlierDetector: the grouping before join optimized version of the parallel algorithm.
  • --dim: the data dimensions (required).
  • --eps: the value of the epsilon parameter (required).
  • --inputPath: the input path (required).
  • --minPts: the value of the minPts parameter (required).
  • --numPart: the number of data partitions.
  • --outputPath: the output path (required).
  • --stats: print dataset statistics.


M. Corain, P. Garza and A. Asudeh, "DBSCOUT: A Density-based Method for Scalable Outlier Detection in Very Large Datasets", 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021, pp. 37-48, doi: 10.1109/ICDE51399.2021.00011.

M. Corain. "A Density-based Method for Scalable Outlier Detection in Large Datasets". Master's thesis, Politecnico di Torino and University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2020.