
Get Started

  1. Install .NET core 3.1.3
  2. dotnet add package Blazored.Modal
  3. dotnet watch run for debugging locally
  4. make deploy to deploy release build to "production" container
  5. NOTE: Info entry in browser console log about WebAssembly compilation faillback in Chrome but not in FF.

Implementation of the usual Punk API beer search single-page app to learn new frontend framework but this time went ahead and implemented publishing to container as well as localization as that may be useful for upcoming job opportunities.

Current ASP.NET landscape:

  1. MVC (not single page app, server renders html and sends to client)
  2. Razor Pages (same as mvc but less cruft)
  3. Blazor Server (components instead of pages, all UI interaction results in round-trip to server, full .NET core libraries available)
  4. Blazor WebAssembly (components instead of pages, all app loaded in client so no roundtrips to server therefore can be staticly served, only .NET Standard libraries)

This time it's not a Javascript framerwork but rather a recently GA'ed .NET frontend called Blazor. We are using the WebAssembly Blazor hosting model (#4 above) as it most closely resembles the UX users would experience with popular Javascript frameworks such as Angular and React.