Opinionated template for new python projects.
- ✅ build with setuptools
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅ ruff
- ✅ vscode sensible settings for a python project
- ✅ tbump for python pkg versioning
- ✅ (optional) devcontainer
- ✅ (optional) namespace (can have nested namespaces)
i might add more feature in the future like other build systems (poetry, pdm, hatch, nuitka) or lockfile (if what discussed in https://discuss.python.org/t/lock-files-again-but-this-time-w-sdists/ becomes a thing)
As of now copier does not support multiple/repeated prompts, so to gather multiple values I use json prompt in for devcontainer_host_env
and devcontainer_extra_mounts
. You can automate it passing a yaml file with the values (--data-file file.yml
install copier
pipx install copier
run copier over this repo
copier copy gh:matteo-bruni/python-pkg-template.git my_project