
Taiga services running on Docker with Docker Compose (http://taiga.io)

Primary LanguagePython

Deploy your Taiga services with Docker

Taiga is a project management platform for agile developers & designers and project managers who want a beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable. http://taiga.io

Docker Taiga


  • Python 3.6
  • Postgres 10
  • Alpine Linux images
  • Gevent worker for gunicorn
  • django-anymail integration

I've tried to containerize every module, so we have:

Bonus: I've added a config if you want to use mailgun.


I'm going to write some better instructions soon, but for now, if you want to try it, just type:

docker-compose up

PS: This will load the docker-compose.override.yml too (useful for local / dev envs)

PS: since the frontend port is mapped to 80, just go to your brower and http://localhost. The login credentials are admin with password 123123.

On production, just rename the file productionenv-template--rename-this-file.env to production.env

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml up

Learn more about docker compose override / extends.

Tips, Tricks and Notes

  • Most of the configurations you will be able to do on docker-compose.yml and .env file.
  • Because of lxml and cryptography you would have to spin up a server with more RAM than you would want, but if you build locally, push to a registry and just pull on your server, you won't be compiling on deploy. =]
  • I plan to use Caddy instead of Nginx, but don't know when, you may want to look, it's nice.



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