
Basic code for reversing a linked list problem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo is a basic shell for a python project for Blocky code tests.

Getting started

I assume that you are working on a unix based system such as OS X or Ubuntu and have installed

  • python3
  • pip

Personally, I recommend also using miniconda (or some other environment management tool). If you do not manage environments, you may get unexpected results.

I setup as follows:

conda create --name bky-ll python=3.10 pip

Activate the environment

conda activate bky-ll

Install all the python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the tests with

make test

Make sure your code passes standard python formatting with

make lint

When you want to clean up

conda deactivate
conda remove -n bky-ll --all
make veryclean

Your task

Create a function that takes as input a link list L and returns linked list in which the data entries of L occur in the reverse order. The input linked list should not be modified. Once you have successfully created this function, issue a PR.

Your goal is to not only to get your code working, but do so in a way that it is not painful for other developers to work with your code going forward

If you have any questions or run into any problems, feel free to reach out to us via email.

Good luck!!


The project setup is loosely based around Martin Heinz's Ultimate Setup for Your Next Python Project