
The ALVIE tool, accompanying the paper: "Bridging the Gap: Automated Analysis of Sancus"

Primary LanguageOCaml

ALVIE tool

This is the source code of the ALVIE tool, accompanying the paper: "Bridging the Gap: Automated Analysis of Sancus" by M. Busi, R. Focardi, F. Luccio To appear at IEEE CSF 2024.

This project was inspired by Bognar et al., "Mind the Gap: Studying the Insecurity of Provably Secure Embedded Trusted Execution Architectures" appeared at IEEE S&P'22, and tries to reproduce their results automatically and to discover new attacks/anomalies in the Sancus processor.

Structure of the project

The project is structured as follows:

  • alvie contains the source code of the project, in particular:
    • alvie/code contains the OCaml sources
  • spec-lib includes the specifications we used for learning
    • example are the specs for the example of Sec. 3
  • results includes the models generated by the learning, following the naming from Bognar et. al and our paper (pdf renderings are in the subfolder pdf)
  • counterexamples includes the witness graphs (pdf renderings are in the subfolder pdf)
  • Dockerfile is the docker file for the project
  • *.sh files are useful to reproduce our results (see below)

Notes on the specifications

  • To improve the performance, for each attack in Table 1 we provide a specification that uses a strict subset of the capabilities of the advanced attacker A+ (Figure 9).

  • The enclave specification is kept equal to that in the paper except for the secret comparison instruction, which is performed between ? (s in the paper) and r4 (#0 in the paper). This is equivalent for our purposes.

Loading the docker image from the Docker Hub

Simply run cd to the folder where this README is, the run the following commands (requires docker):

$ docker pull matteobusi/alvie_csf24
$ docker run --rm -it matteobusi/alvie_csf24

Once everything is ready a prompt should be waiting for your commands.

If you wish to build the Docker image, you can run the following command:

$ docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t alvie

The argument --platform linux/amd64 is needed to build the image on ARM machines because the mCRL2 model checker is not available for ARM yet.

Running the found attacks

Once the container is ready, you can run the following command to check that the attacks reported in the paper are synthesized correctly and actually break the security of the relevant Sancus versions (the full test requires a few minutes):

$ dune exec tt_attack

Reproducing our experiments

There are a few options to reproduce the experiments we did.

Learning and checking the running example only

This task takes a few seconds on our server. To reproduce, cd to the folder where this README.md. Afterwards, remove existing results:

$ rm -Rf results/example counterexamples/example

and then run

$ ./learn_example.sh

to learn the models corresponding to the example in the paper (you can find the models in results/example). Once done, run

$ ./check_example.sh

to produce the witness graph for the example. You can find it in the counterexamples/example directory.

Learning and checking for an experiment of choice

This task is longer that the one above and takes between one hour and a couple of days on our server, depending on the experiment.

Assume that you want to run experiments for attack-name which was fixed in patch-commit in the sancus-core-gap repo by Bognar et al. (see table below for names and commits). Simply, cd to the folder where this README is and then run

rm -Rf results/*attack-name*.dot counterexamples/*attack-name*.dot

to delete the existing models and witness graphs, then launch the learning with

$ ./learn_one.sh patch-commit attack-name

Once the learning is done (results in results folder), just run

$ ./check_one.sh attack-name

to produce the witness graph for attack-name. You can find it in the counterexamples directory.

Original commit ef753b6
Patch B2 3170d5d
Patch B3 6475709
Patch B6 d54f031
Patch B4 3636536
Patch B1 e8cf011
Patch B7(1) 264f135
Final commit bf89c0b
Patch B8 no fix
Patch B9 no fix

In our experience one of the fastest single experiment to run is B6, i.e.,

$ rm -Rf results/*-b6-*.dot counterexamples/*-b6-*.dot
$ ./learn_one.sh d54f031 b6
$ ./check_one.sh b6

If you want to test on one of the new attacks (i.e., B8 or B9) use the following command for learning (command for the checking phase is identical!):

$ ./learn_one_nospecial.sh attack-name

Learning and checking all the experiments

If you have many cores running all the experiments takes roughly as much as it takes to run a single one. Simply, cd to the folder where this README is, delete existing models and witness graphs using:

rm -Rf results/*.dot counterexamples/*.dot

and then run:

$ ./learn_all.sh

to learn all the models in the paper.

Once the learning is done (results in results folder), just run

$ ./check_all.sh

to produce the witness graphs. You can find them in the counterexamples directory.

Visualizing Graphviz dot files

All the above scripts will produce files in the Graphviz format. To view them you can either use a visualizer (e.g., KGraphViewer or xdot) or export them directly to PDF using:

$ dot -Tpdf file.dot -o file.pdf