A curated list of causal inference libraries, resources, and applications.
- akhil-chilukuri
- arvindharulAustin, TX
- ASallinUniversity of St. Gallen
- cashiu
- coadkins
- cykbennieYale University
- dane805
- eemailme
- EstherCBCopenhagen
- gacamposgs
- Guangye-C
- hansjarettong
- hanson377denver, co
- ignacio82Google
- KnarikPoghosyan
- l-d-sMurdoch Childrens Research Institute
- lago1970IBGE
- liberattMeta
- marcinmiklitzLondon
- matteocourthoudUniversity of Zurich
- mmiklitz
- noob100000
- nublu1234
- paradigmfellow
- perlatexsichuan normal universtiy
- ray-marcos
- SamuelSousaFerreira@maistodos
- SerhathasancebiPompeu Fabra University
- shirishph
- Solat1993Divar
- talegariGames24x7
- thangtranquang
- tom-flamelit@flamelit
- vr-rodriguesSão Paulo
- wang2xiao