
Implementation of game "WordQuizzle", project for Computer Networking course

Primary LanguageJava


The main functions of the WordQuizzle service, the implementation choices and the communication protocol used will be described below.


To efficiently manage the communication between Client and Server, it was established a well-defined communication protocol, described in the classes Message and Connection.

Message and Connection

Each message exchanged between Client and Server use functions read and write of the Connection class, the protocol defined is exchange the length of the message first and then the content. The messages exchanged are defined in the Message class and each of these consists of two fields: the type and the payload. The type is described by integer codes representing the request that you want to make and the answers that you can receive, these codes are contained within the Message class. The payload is the actually exchanged data, it can be Integer, String or byte[]. The Message class implements Serializable, as messages come serialized before sending, thanks to the getByteFromObject function and deserialized on arrival with getObjectFromByte function.


The server has been implemented through a Selector, to allow the distribution among various channels ready and not.

Main behavior

When the Server is started, the content of the word dictionary is read (which will be used later in the challenge), the shared data structures are initialized, the RMI stub and the listening ServerSocketChannel are created. At connection time, each Client is accepted and placed in read mode. When a request arrives, this, with the relative attachment of the Client and the SelectionKey, are passed to a Thread of the ThreadPool that will handle the request, set the channel in write mode and notify the selector. In writing mode the selector will take care of writing the reply message to the Client.

Shared Data structures

The Server make use of data structures and shared objects within threads:

  • writeGsonLock: ReentrantLock to allow editing of the file infoserver.json in mutual exclusion;
  • users: ConcurrentHashMap with key as username and UDP port number of the relative Client as value. It is changed at login and logout, to allow the Server a quick access what are online and non-online users;
  • fighting: ConcurrentHashMap with key an object of type ValueOne and value an object of type ValueHashmap. It is used at the beginning of a challenge, we will see them in detail later;

Client's attachment

Before moving on to describe WorkerThread working flow, we must talk about the Client's attachment. Each Client is "equipped" at connection time of a ClientState object that contains the following fields:

  • requestMessage: request made by the Client;
  • responseMessage: response that will be saved by the WorkerThread;
  • user: object of type User, contains various information about the client, if it is online or not, whether in challenge or not;
  • usernameSfida: indicates the name of the challenged Client, it is initialized at time of a challenge request;
  • words: ArrayList of words to be translated during the challenge;
  • translatedWords: ArrayList of translated words to verify correctness;
  • iterWords: integer to scroll through the array of words and to manage the timer;
  • challengePoint: integer to count points made by a Client;
  • correct: ArrayList of two positions to count the correct words and not of a Client;
  • timer: object of type Timer, to stop the challenge at the moment of running out of time; In the User class we find information related to the name of the Client, to his online status and challenge status. As for some objects presented before, we will see in challenge section how they will come in handy.

Worker Thread

Each time a message is read, the Server passes the "work" to be done to a Thread of the ThreadPool. The WorkerThread implements the WordQuizzleInterface interface, which contains all the functions the Server can perform. When the Thread start, the infoserver.json file is read and saved in an ArrayList info, the request message is splitted, by parsing the code of the Message. Fundamental is the beginning of the run method, here it is checked if the Client is in a shared ConcurrentHashMap and if it is not already in challenge. Let's talk about the methods:

  • requestnotvalid(): called if the message sent by Client consists of a request not supported by the Server, a invalid request message;
  • savePortNumber(): first message exchanged between Client and Server, used to save the number of the its UDP port where eventually the challenge request will be sent;
  • login(user nick, password): allows a user to login, check if it is contained in info, if it is not already online via the class User of the attachment and if the password is correct. If all went fine, return a LOGINOK message, otherwise return an error message depending on the type, wrong password, user not registered or user already online;
  • logout(nickUser): allow a user to log out, check if the user is contained in info, if he was not already offline. If everything went successful, return a LOGOUTOK message, otherwise an error message, user not registered or user not online;
  • addiamico(usernameUser, nickAmico): allow you to add nickAmico to friends' list of nickUser and vice versa. Check that both are contained in info with the check support function, if all went well, friendship is added on both sides and the JSON file is rewritten, otherwise return an error message;
  • list_of_friends(user_nick): returns the list of friends of user_nick in JSON format after checking that nickUser is registered and online;
  • show_score(user_nick): return the total score of user_nick, retrieve the value from info and return it after the various checks;
  • show_ranking(username): return the ranking with the scores in descending order of nickUser and his entire list of friends;
  • translateWords(words): translate the words contained in the words array which will be used in the challenge;
  • updateDB(user, points): method used at the end of a challenge to update user's scores within the infoserver.json file;


Regarding the challenge, the WorkerThread use three methods to handle it: the challenge(user_nick, friend_nick) method, called by nick_user when he wants to start a challenge against nickAmico, the sfidaduring method to manage the transfer of words during the challenge, and finally checkFinished, to synchronize the end of the challenge for both. When nick_user start a challenge, after the various registration checks, login, and if nickAmico is online, a Thread is started which will take care of sending the UDP request to the Client. If no response is given within 10 seconds, the challenge is considered rejected. If, on the other hand, the response is of type 0, then the Client refused the challenge. If 2, then nickAmico is already engaged in a challenge and we must wait. If 1 instead, the challenge has been accepted and we can start the initialization of the various parameters. This is where the hashmap fighting comes in. The challenging Client adds his name as a key and the name of the challenged as a value, along with other informations about the challenge, as well as the list of words to be translated and those translated. This will be needed by the challenged Client at the time of the request to start the challenge. Indeed, as mentioned before, at the beginning of the run method is checked if the name of the currently active Client is in the hashmap, if this happens, the game is also initialized for him by taking the words to be translated and those translated by the value of the hashmap.
Once the challenge has started, the Server checks the validity of the translation with the sfidaduring method, if successful it increases the challengePoint value of the attachment by 2, otherwise it decreases it by 1. In the same way is the value of the pointsSfida parameters changed in the key or value of fighting depending on the user, the value at address 0 or 1 of the correct ArrayList is also increased depending on whether the answer is correct or not. An important parameter here is iterWords contained in the attachment. If this value is less than 7, then points are counted like said above, otherwise if it is 7 or 9, it means respectively that the words are terminated or the timer has expired. In these cases the Client checks that the other has finished, through the values contained in the fighting value hasFinished and hasFinishedFirst. If both of these values are true, then both have finished the challenge and the challenge report is returned, with the scored points, correct and wrong answers and the outcome of the match. If not, then a message of type CHALLENGEWAITING is returned to the Client. When a Client see arriving this message, then it sends requests every x seconds to the Server to find out if the other opponent has finished. This is checked via the checkFinished method, which controls the opponent's termination and in case of end returns the report, otherwise continue sending messages of type SFIDAWAITING. At the end of the challenge, all items used in the challenge are reset.


Main behavior

The main classes used on Client side are the ClientManager and the various GUI form. First, the ClientManager class is instantiated, connects to the Server and exchanges the UDP port of the DatagramSocket created earlier and retrieve also the RMI stub. The first form shown to the Client is the StartForm, where it can login or register. Once logged in, it comes out the HomeForm, where you can perform the various operations described previously on the Server. If he decides to challenge a friend, the ChallengeFrame comes in where he will insert the translation of the words and the possibility to send them.


ClientManager class deals with the logic of the Client, it contains various methods that are called depending on the operation you want to perform, at start creates the DatagramSocket listening to challenge requests, connects to the Server and retrieves the RMI stub. The various methods and how they work are the following:

  • login(username, password): send a LOGINCODE message with username and password to the server and waits for response, if it is of type LOGINOK the Client username is set. Returns the code response;
  • register(username, password): calls the registranuovoutente function of the RMI stub, returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise;
  • addFriend(name): send a message of type ADDFRIENDCODE to Server and returns the code of the reply message;
  • showFriends(): send a message with FRIENDSLISTCODE code to Server and returns the reply message;
  • showScore(): send a message with the SHOWPOINTSCODE code to Server and returns the reply message;
  • showScoreBoard(): sends a message with the code SHOWSCORECODE to Server and returns the reply message;
  • logout(): sends a message with LOGOUTCODE code to Server and returns the reply message;
  • challenge(name): send a message with code SFIDACODE to Server and returns the reply message;
  • sendReceive(word): send the translated word to Server with code SFIDADURING and receives the next word or termination;
  • receiveWord(): used in the initial challenge phase to read the first word sent by server;
  • waitFriend(): send a message with the WAITFRIEND code if it has received an equal response. Used to wait for the termination of opponent's challenge;
  • reqNotValid(): send a REQUESTNOTVALID message. Needed in the phase of acceptance of the challenge by the challenged one;

UDP Thread

The UDP thread is launched upon login of a Client, it takes care of listen to any challenge requests. When a request arrives, the receive "unlocks" and an RMI stub method is called, notificationClient, to notify the Client of the challenge request. If the challenge is accepted, it answers to Server with 1 and adds a value to a shared queue queue. This queue is for the HomeForm to know if there are any pending challenge requests, and so to start them. If the challenge is rejected the answer to Server will be 0, if the Client is already engaged in a challenge it will be 2.


The Client chooses the operations to be done through three GUIs that exchange themselves depending on Client's "state".


StartForm is the GUI shown at startup, there are two text fields, one for the username and one for the password, and two buttons, one for login and one for registration. In case of login, the login() method is called contained in the ClientManager, in case of registration, the function registranuovoutente of the stub is called, which we will discuss later. If the login was successful, the Client is sent to the HomeForm.


HomeForm instead, is the GUI that appears after a successfull login or at the end of a challenge. It is the "main home", where the Client can choose which operation to perform. After a certain selection, he can receive specific message with some code and the response received is shown via popup. In the event of a challenge, if it is accepted SfidaFrame is launched to manage the challenge.


SfidaFrame is the GUI shown at the beginning of a challenge, it is made of a line of text containing the word to be translated, a text field to insert the translation and a button to send it. At the end of the challenge, if the Client has to wait for the other opponent then his frame "freezes" waiting for the other. Once the challenge is over, a dialog is shown with the report and the Client is sent back to the HomeFrame.

Stub RMI

The Stub RMI is made of the Registration and RegistrationImplementation classes. The two functions loaded on RMI are register_new_user and notificationClient: the first reads the contents of the infoserver.json file in mutual exclusion using the writeJsonLock lock and checks that the user is not already registered, if so it adds it; the second, on the other hand, shows the challenged user a dialog where he can accept or reject the challenge, returns 1 in case of accepted challenge, 0 otherwise.

Further classes and libraries

Google Gson package was used as external library, which allows you to read a JSON file and create special classes to convert from string or object. In this particular case the classes used to read the JSON are InfoServer, for the infoserver.json file, and the GetJson class, for the result returned by the GET to the api.mymemory.translated.net site. For InfoServer the fields are the user name, his score, his password and his friends list. For GetJson, the fields are responseData, an Info object that contains the translated word. As for the ValueOne and ValueHashmap classes, these are used *respectively as the key and value of the hashmap fighting, which we have talked about earlier. For ValueOne we have:

  • user: name of the user who challenges;
  • sfidaPoint: counter of user's points in the current challenge;
  • isInterrupted: handle the case where the translation of words wasn't successful; For ValueHashmap instead we have:
  • user: the name of the challenged user;
  • sfidaWords: the words to be translated;
  • translated: the translated words;
  • pointsSfida: to take into account the points scored by the challenged user;
  • hasFinished: to check if the challenged has finished;
  • hasFinishedFirst: to check if the challenger has finished;
  • hasInterrupted: to take into account any disconnections of the challenged during a challenge;
  • hasInterruptedFirst: to take into account any disconnections of the challenger during a challenge;


As for the compilation and execution, starting from the main directory of the project, we compile Server and Client using:

javac -d bin -cp lib/gson-2.8.6.jar:src src/Server/WordQuizzle.java
javac -d bin -cp lib/gson-2.8.6.jar:src src/Client/NewClient.java

While for the execution:

java -cp bin:lib/gson-2.8.6.jar Server.WordQuizzle
java -cp bin:lib/gson-2.8.6.jar Client.NewClient