
Bayesian Network Compendium

Primary LanguageTeX

Bayesian Network Compendium

renderbook License: CC BY 4.0

A knowledge collection about Bayesian Network statistics and its relatives.
Published on matteodelucchi.github.io/bncompendium/

How to use?

You can read the latest version online or downloaded as pdf.

How to contribute?

This book is based on R Markdown and bookdown (https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown). Please see the page "Get Started" at https://bookdown.org/home/about/ for examples and the package structure.

Getting started

  1. Install the R packages:
  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Install your fork of the R package bncompendium:
  1. Test your installation with a live preview
bookdown::serve_book(preview = FALSE)

Found a mistake, error or typo?

Open an issue.

Want to contribute?

  1. Follow the getting started instructions.
  2. Add text, corrections etc. Check if there is a topic on the wishlist that you would like to write about.
  3. Check if it runs locally.
bookdown::serve_book(preview = FALSE)
  1. Create a pull request (reference issues if necessary).

Want to have a sepcific topic covered?

Open an issue with the label santa clause and explain the topic shortly.


Bayesian Network Compendium by Matteo Delucchi is licensed under CC BY 4.0