
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Process wikipedia or other large corpuses and create a dataset for NLP applications.

How to (Wikipedia)

Download the data

Download a specific wikipedia dump:

./download_dump.sh it

Download dumps for all languages used by BERT:

for i in $(cat required_languages.tsv| cut -f2); do ./download_dump.sh $i; done

Extract the data

This will create another file with the txt extension containing 1 file per line:

./extract_and_clean_wiki_dump.sh data/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2

Pre-process the data

Preprocess data and save in a file with the same name and _preprocessed suffix. Be sure to install the blingfire tokenizer:

pip install blingfire
python preprocess_wiki_dump.py data/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt

Create the dataset (Wikipedia & Others)


You can pass the name of a tokenizer from the huggingface library to create lines that are filled with <target_len> tokens you require. For example, with --target_len 128 it will fill up to 128 tokens per line based on the specified tokenizer. This will occupay all the available CPUs on your machine and may take some time if tokenization is enabled (by passing --fill_for_tokenizer <pre-trained-tok-name>)

pip install transformes
python create_dataset.py -i data/enwiki-latest-pages-articles_preprocessed.txt -o data/enwiki-latest-pages-articles_preprocessed_dense_bert_128.tsv --fill_for_tokenizer bert-base-cased -f --target_len 128


You can create a multilingual dataset by passing the lang_file and multiple input files.

python create_dataset.py -i data/*_preprocessed.txt -o data/multilingual_dataset.tsv --fill_for_tokenizer bert-base-multilingual-cased -f --target_len 128 --lang_file lang_dict.json

Each line will contain an additional id of the language. ids are store in lang_dict.json.


Most of the sh scripts has been taken by Steven van de Graaf article

Thanks also to the user attardi for creating the wikiextractor repository