
Program that counts how many times a word appears on a text

Primary LanguageC#

##BookParsing This program elaborates a text file by stripping out punctuation, splitting and listing every word and counting how many times a word appears. The program also checks if the number of times a word appears is a prime number.



Language Testing
C# Nunit

##How to run it Clone the repository

$ git clone git@github.com:matteomanzo/BookParsing_Csharp.git
$ git clone https://github.com/matteomanzo/BookParsing_Csharp.git

Change into the directory

$ cd BookParsing_Csharp/BookParsing

You should have Mono frameqork installed, if you don't, go here and download it.
Compile the file running

mcs Program.cs ElaborateText.cs PrimeNumber.cs

And execute it with

mono Program.exe

You can use the file book.txt, which is already in the folder.
Run the tests opening the BookParsing.sln solution on Xamarin and Run unit tests.

##Thoughts on the project Keeping the methods short it is very hard using a strong typed language like C#. At the same time though, explicity expecting what kind of input and output you want to manipulate helps a lot about thinking how to the design the app. It was very challenging to test drive as I wasn't totally familiar with this language but I found very interesting the way NUnit works for unit and integration tests like what the console outputs on the screen.