Curriculum Vitae

#Matteo Manzo A pro-active Web Developer who loves to tinker with new technologies in order to build [random] stuff. Robotics enthusiast, my final project at high school was about home automation. I've completed a 12-weeks, very intensive bootcamp at Makers Academy and worked from the first version of the Meerkat Movies app for comparethemarket.com. I am currently freelancing and working at Rogante. When I am not too busy playing video games, I try to find something to talk about in my blog.

##Favourite Projects

Project Repo Live Version Technologies Testing Description
Game Of Life Not deployed yet C# NUnit A C# version of Conway's Game Of Life
Playlister GO! JavaScript, jQuery, HTML & CSS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB Spotify API Mocha, Chai, SeleniumJS Final project at Makers Academy. A way to collaborate on creating a playlist, with the unique feature that the songs move with the person who chose them. You 'turn up' and your tunes go in. You leave and your tunes leave with you. Read more here..
5 A Side GO! Ruby, Sinatra, HTML & CSS, PostgreSQL RSpec, Capybara Organize your next football match, track the players who are playing and randomly generate teams.
PigPong Play it! JavaScript, jQuery, HTML & CSS, NodeJS, Phaser Mocha, CasperJS, Chai The Makerthon project. A game where you are a farmer and you have to avoid the zombie pigs which are bouncing all around, it's fun!
Node Github API Not deployed yet JavaScript, jQuery, HTML & CSS, NodeJS, Express, GitHub API Mocha, CasperJS, PhantomJS A simple Node server, which asynchronously queries the Github API in order to get user's info back.

##My Skills Set


Working in teams brings more ideas on the table and more brains to solve the problem, along with a great vibe and motivation. I love being part of teams.

  • Brainstorming with not-programming-related roles to find the best solution together from a wider range of ideas
  • Daily pair rotations in my previous team at comparethemarket.com
  • Pair programming and scrums at Makers Academy (co-op projects and final project)
  • 6+ weeks mentoring junior students at Makers (and more mentoring after)


I love change, so I am able to switch tasks and environments very rapidly. Working on different products allows me to spend a lot of time learning new technologies, therefore being able to choose the right tool to solve the problem.

  • Load tested a website using both Locust.io (Python based) and Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 (C#)
  • Changed team and product every week during my experience at Makers Academy


I see opportunities everywhere, and I do everything to bring them to life. In my hometown, which is full of leather artisans, I am creating a network to connect the local artisans to the customers who want to buy handmade shoes, thus keeping the craftmanship tradition alive. I also have a shop on Etsy.

  • Developing internal tools to ease the interaction between us and the artisan when it comes to creation and with drivers when it comes to shipping
  • Managing the supply chain: Identifying and building relationships with artisan suppliers that match our quality requirements
  • Online marketing: A/B testing, multiple sale channels to identify the most reliable source of customers for our business

###Customer service

A customer is a person who pays for a service, which is good. Most of the times though, this person misunderstand the difference between giving an order to a servant and actually knowing what to ask, which is bad. Helping the customer to understand what is effectively the product that he's looking for, made my life (and my job) much easier. As I have been always working with customers, I have learnt how to handle these customer's needs.

  • Help customers to understand what they are aiming to and analyze crucial features of the product when it comes to development
  • I strived to create the best user experience for every client, from the beginning to the end, whilst delivering value and meeting targets for the business


I am Italian and I am also fluent in English and Spanish.


###Rogante ~ 09/2014 to present

  • Front-end part of the website
  • Built internal tools to ease interaction with suppliers and delivers

###Compare the Market ~ 05/2015 to 02/2016

  • Developed Meerkat Movies app for iOS and Android using the Ionic framework
  • C# based projects while working on the Travel and Energy section of the website
  • Xamarin and Calaba.sh mobile testing
  • Load testing using Locust.io and Visual Studio Enterprise 2015


###Makers Academy ~ 12-2014 to 03-2015

  • Problem solving
  • Independent learning
  • Agile process
  • Object Oriented Design, Test Driven Development, SOLID principles
  • Ruby, Rails, Sinatra
  • JavaScript, NodeJS, jQuery, AJAX
  • Rspec, Capybara, Cucumber
  • Jasmine, Mocha, Selenium

I.T.I.S Galileo Ferraris (Electrical Engineering Diploma) ~ 2003 to 2008

  • Electrical Circuits
  • Three-phase motor functionality
  • Basic Arduino programs